Riverfront Parks Foundation
The Capitol Riverfront BID urges you to ACT NOW to get funding for Yards Park and Canal Park included in the District of Columbia's Fiscal Year 2022 budget. Unlike in previous years, the budget currently includes NO FUNDING for these two public parks.
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The work of the BID in the parks has ensured open space relief, access to water features for families and children, and seasonal programming that helps build a sense of community among residents and visitors. If annual funding for these parks is not included in the District’s budget, the operations of the parks could revert back to District Government agencies.
Over the past 10 years the District Government has contracted with the Capitol Riverfront BID and provided the BID funding for the maintenance, operations, programming, and activation of these two parks at a very high level. Both of these parks are important open space assets to the neighborhood now and in the future. The need for high-quality maintenance and operations will only increase as the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood continues to grow.
The DC Council will hold the final votes on this $17.5 billion budget on August 3 and August 10. Ward 6 Councilmember Charles Allen is in full support of the overall budget including $1.4 million for Yards Park and Canal Park. There is still time to urge other DC Councilmembers.