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Annual Report

The Annual Report highlights BID achievements and documents the growth of the Capitol Riverfront neighborhood over the course of each year.

PDF Version & Digital Report

State of Capitol Riverfront

The state of the neighborhood highlights BID and neighborhood milestones reached annually.


Rising Tides, Rising Revenues (2024)

As an update to the BID's 2018 Fiscal Impact Report, RCLCO evaluates the fiscal impact of growth in both Capitol Riverfront and Southwest DC while reflecting that continued guidance and support are necessary to ensure these neighborhoods remain attractive to residents, employees, and visitors—and keep their new, combined role as an important economic engine for the District.

View Report

Capitol Riverfront Video (2023)

Released in 2023, the BID’s marketing video showcases the vibrancy of the Capitol Riverfront community, fun and active year round with a variety of dining options, sports and recreation, and outdoor experiences.

Watch the Video

2022 5-Year BID Renewal

The Capitol Riverfront BID has renewed its organizational registration with an exciting plan comprised of community-driven initiatives.

View the Renewal Plan Here

Underpass & Virginia Avenue Corridor Vision Plan

Led by the Capitol Riverfront BID and My Ly Design, the Underpass Vision plan puts forward placemaking and beautification objectives and implementation timelines for the I-695 underpass corridor activation.

View the Underpass Vision Plan Here

COVID Fiscal Impact Analysis (2020)

Commissioned by Capitol Riverfront BID, Southwest BID, and the Downtown DC BID and performed by RCLCO, this report highlights the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on retail and restaurant business in areas around major sports and entertainment venues and the subsequent impact on District tax receipts.

Executive Summary

Riverfront Recaptured (2018)

In this new report, RCLCO offers the first look at the fiscal impact of new growth – past, present, and future – in the Capitol Riverfront. This critical analysis highlights how the Capitol Riverfront has emerged as a major economic contributor to the District over the previous decade. Already, the District will break even on its public investments into the Capitol Riverfront this year, just 10 years after the inception of the Capitol Riverfront BID.

Executive Summary | Full Report | Presentation Slides

Development Timeline (1995 - 2018)

Key milestones in the growth of the Capitol Riverfront.

Download Timeline

GreenPrint of Growth 2.0 (2017)

In this new report, GreenPrint of Growth 2.0, RCLCO examines the growth that has occurred within a quarter-mile of the Green Line stations from Petworth to Navy Yard Ballpark since the original report. 

Executive Summary | Full Report

Urban Design Framework Plan Executive Summary (2013)

Published on the five-year anniversary of the BID, this plan outlines five key initiatives to enhance the Capitol Riverfront: improved regional transit, connected local circulation routes, increased open space, community civic destinations, and clustered retail and interim uses.

Download Summary

GreenPrint of Growth (2012)

The BID commissioned RCLCO to compare the growth around Metrorail’s Green Line stations to growth around other Metrorail stations close-in to DC. The findings reveal that the Green Line corridor, from Navy Yard/Ballpark to Georgia Ave/Petworth, has captured a significant share of the region’s population growth, job creation, and investment, and will likely be an engine of future economic growth.

Executive Summary | Full Report

Lower 8th Street Vision Process Final Report (2010)

This report outlines the Lower 8th Street Vision Process, a community planning effort spearheaded by the BID in 2010. The recommendations from the Vision Process are contained within this summary as well as the collective vision for the area – a vibrant, mixed-use destination that respects and incorporates all existing historic resources.

Download full report