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Riverfront (Re)Connect Summer Series: U.S. Navy Band Concert

Join your friends and neighbors for free and inexpensive outdoor experiences throughout the summer in Capitol Riverfront! Check out the full schedule below, and register for each event and activity you want to enjoy. Tickets will be released three weeks ahead of each event, so be sure to come back throughout the summer to register. Proceeds from all events will be contributed to local charitable and community-driven organizations.

U.S. Navy Band Concerts (No Registration Needed)

Enjoy the sounds of the U.S. Navy Band at 7:00 pm in Yards Park as they present a one-hour performance on the boardwalk. Each year, Navy musicians present 6,000 performances across the United States and around the world, connecting with millions of people and presenting a variety of musical genres.

  • July 13: Country Blue Grass concert
  • August 31: Contemporary Concert

Dates and Times for this Past Event

Thursday, Aug 31, 2023  7pm - 8pm
Thursday, Jul 13, 2023  7pm - 8pm
LocationThe Yards Park
CostFree & Open to the Public  
Websitevisit website