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Frederick Douglass Birthday Celebration

This annual program to celebrate Frederick Douglass includes music by the Jubilee Voices of the Washington Revels, performances by the student winners of the Douglass Oratorical Contest and a light-hearted debate style program that asks the question “What place did Frederick Douglass call home?” Douglass lived in 3 states and the District of Columbia during his lifetime and while it’s impossible to ask Douglass this question, our panelists will support their positions in the debate, and we’ll let the audience decide! The doors open early at 12:30 pm and we’ll have music by DC Strings, exhibitors, learn about Frederick Douglass’ interest in D.C.’s streetcars and take a selfie with Frederick Douglass.


Date and Time for this Past Event

Saturday, Feb 11, 2023  2pm - 4pm
LocationCapital Turnaround
Websitevisit website